Tuesday, April 01, 2008

i hear that all the time

Last night, I was standing in the "vinegar" section of the super-expensive Meidi-ya supermarket, wondering why they had blueberry and raspberry vinegar but not the balsamic vinegar I wanted, and whether it was in fact right in front of me and I couldn't read it, when a Japanese woman approached me and said, in careful English:

"Excuse me, do you speak Laotian?"

I do not, so a typical Japanese Apology Standoff ensued, in which I apologized profusely for not speaking an obscure Asian language and she apologized profusely for having bothered me, for asking me a question, and for asking a question to which the answer was 'no.' This part took place in Japanese, and then she moved into a conversation in Japanese, so I had to backtrack and explain that I speak only a little Japanese. So she moved her apology back into her careful English, and explained:

"All gaijin kind of look the same to me."


Steph said...

Fantastic. I love your writing. The situations you (meaning you, collectively) can get into in foreign countries -- especially where, Sid says, the locals are "high" -- are classic gems you just can't make up.

Stacy said...

Oh, nice! Though you have always looked a little Laotian to me. (eyeroll)

Anonymous said...

I KNEW it! I knew we all looked alike!

Anonymous said...

I know a little Japanese, he's over there. For all you Top Secret fans, that reff is hillarious...